The project

Powered by the Moonbirds Lunar Society, this is a cross-platform tool to make emoji packs based on your digital assets.

The most recognisable use of our digital assets are often as profile pictures. We are our PFPs and our PFPs are us. But they often lose relevance in our daily lives outside of web3. Digital self-expressions on daily communications platform are limited to a predetermined range of stock image emojis.

Expressionz.xyz is building a browser-based tool that allows the unlocking of digital assets for use as expressions across different communication platforms – no editing, coding, or other technical expertise required. It combines the use of algorithms, art and design to generate graphics

Creators can also contribute directly to the library of emojis and possible customisations. We are building the rails to enable creators to contribute to the brand building process, for themselves, for their assets, and for the wider community.

The first product from Expressionz.xyz is the EmojiBox. In a few clicks, you can generate a set of graphics based on your digital asset for use in messaging apps you use for daily communications (e.g. WhatsApp).

These are expression that represents YOU, and you can even share them for wider use. This is initially exclusive and free to use for Moonbird holders, with the intention of opening it up for future use by other communities.
The team

A girl project management
As a day 0 birb minter and nestooor, a memooor and a prolific emoji-user, a girl is in this space as a believer in the ethos and spirit of “web3” and the potential of blockchain. a girl has a track record of more than a decade of contributing to the development and management of projects of various sizes (ranging from $100k - $11m+)

Mark resourcing and advising
Founder and investor, Mark exited his first company, Piper after raising $15m in VC funding from top investors in silicon valley and the world in 2018.
He was invited to go to New Zealand during the pandemic and started a $15m VC fund investing into the local tech ecosystem: https://www.nzvc.co.nz/ To date the fund has backed over 35 innovative companies including 7 crypto ones.
He is also a partner at a blockchain development studio (MCB) where they've developed extensive NFT and crypto projects: https://mycreativitybox.com/ He has a degree from Princeton and dropped out of his Machine Learning PhD at Oxford to pursue his first company. He will be leading the MCB team that will develop this project.
Access to Mark's team composed of graphic designers, illustrators, and developers (both blockchain-specific and general full-stack devs), all the necessary skills and experiences to bring this project to life!




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